Tuesday, July 29, 2008


....and I'm 3/4 of the way through the first stage of treatment. Went to see my oncologist yesterday and it was all good news. Since I haven't had any nausea, vomiting, neutropenia, etc., I most likely will not have any. She says I've got good bone marrow and that keeps replenishing my blood. Yay!

Radiation and chemo have been making me tired though. I've had to have a few nights with 12 to 17 hours of sleep, but then I wake up the next day more energetic again. Today was one of my days to sleep in, so I'm expecting to be more energetic tomorrow.

I'm still trying to walk to most of my radiation appointments and I get to the gym a couple of times on the weekends. I'm sure that has really helped too with the side effects and my good energy levels, considering.

I will be due for surgery in late August, but at the moment I have an appointment for September 5. I am really hoping I can get that changed so that I don't miss another semester of school behind all this cancer stuff.

I'm really enjoying my volunteer position in the infusion clinic. I think it's going to give me a lot of good experience that I would otherwise be missing out on while I take care of the cancer. The nurses are all really nice and they appreciate the help that they get from the volunteers.

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