Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday again.....

My routine kind of fell apart this week. I didn't walk to radiation on Wednesday because I had the "Girls' Night" the night before and didn't want to leave them alone for that long. Then this morning for the first time in a while I didn't wake up at 4:30 AM.

I had to go in early for radiation this morning because I started a new volunteer position at Kaiser this morning. I will be helping out in the infusion clinic on Fridays once I finish training. I think that will help me to stay in the practice of giving patient care so I don't feel as far behind my nursing class when I return to the full schedule next Spring. Besides, it just feels nice to volunteer.

The chemo pump has not been as irritating this week as it was. I guess I'm finally getting used to carrying it around. I still occasionally get the lines hung up on things, but not as bad as before. I'm just tired, but the chemo week will be over tomorrow again and I'll have the weekend free of it. My blood levels have started to drop, but not as fast as I'd expected so I'm still in the lower end of normal for WBCs, platelets, and H&H.

I'm really looking forward to the Relay for Life this weekend. I went out and talked to the American Cancer Society yesterday about what to expect. I formed my team late and didn't get all of the original instructional emails that had been sent out. I'm going to try and get a tent set up tomorrow afternoon so we will have a place for anyone on our team to spend the night. It all sounds like a lot of fun for a good cause and I'll probably try and get an earlier start on the event next year.

The Zofran I'm taking for nausea is awesome! Not a bit of nausea this week and I really haven't to curtail my eating habits too much. My tongue is a bit sensitive though, but not too bad yet. I'm over half way through this first part of treatment with no major bad side effects. I'm getting my kidney checked out tomorrow and hopefully the doctor can figure out what is keeping it from draining like it should.

Have a wonderful Friday and weekend!

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