Thursday, July 3, 2008

one week almost down

Chemo and radiation started last Monday, June 30th. That first day was the worst so far, but it might have had something to do with having the port placed surgically on Thursday right before Molly showed up. Then Friday we were off to San Francisco for a few days of "relaxation" before I started my treatments. We returned home on Sunday and then it was an early start on Monday for the first of the radiation and chemo treatments.

Radiation is not all that bad. I just go into the office and lie on the table. Then they position me and start the radiation. I have just about enough time to listen to one complete song on my iPod and then it's over. I'll be going for the radiation treatments 5 days a week for just a little over 5 weeks.

The chemo is another story though. First I was allergic to the transparent dressings they used, and the one that they finally found that I can use is extra sensitive to moisture. I was just a little upset to find out that showers and going to the gym are out while I undergo chemo since anything, including sweat, that gets under that dressing goes straight to my heart. I get a continuous infusion of the chemo drug delivered via a small pump that I have to carry with me constantly. They will take me off the pump on Fridays though so at least I won't have to carry it around 7 days a week.

Molly flew home very early on Tuesday morning. It's great to have such a wonderful best friend like her to come out and see me through my last days before treatment and the first round of treatment. I got up a few hours after Molly left and walked to my radiation appointment. It's just over 3 miles round trip to the radiation oncologist and as long as it is cool in the mornings I can do the walk without sweating too much. Besides the exercise is a good way to keep the fatigue at bay.

Well tomorrow is the 4th of July and I'm not going to try and go anywhere this year. Sure I'm feeling pretty good, but I do get a little tired and queasy at times. The pool is clean and getting warm so we will just have to celebrate the 4th at my house this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well a week down!!!! yeah!!!! i would still be there thru it all if i could but ill be back and you know all you have to do is call!!!! LYMY!!!!