Saturday, August 2, 2008

5 weeks down.....

.... and 4 days to go! Next Thursday I will be done with the first phase of treatments, that is the daily chemo and radiation. I am so excited. This last week has been rough in that I've been really fatigued. I've had to give up walking to radiation after Wednesday. I was so tired after I got there that I didn't think I would make it all the way home. My body is needing more rest to recover from all of the toxins they are pumping in along with the radiation.

I got the report back from the urologist regarding my right kidney. I do have some hydronephrosis but as long as my kidney function tests remain normal I am not going to get treatment for that. They would put in stents, but the treatment could be more painful than what I am experiencing now.

Surgery to remove the cancer tumor is scheduled for September 5. I tried to get it moved up but my surgeon will be out of the country until that week and I've heard so many good things about her that I'm afraid it might not be a good idea to try and switch surgeons. I'm going to have to miss my first day of classes, but hopefully the instructors will work with me on that one.

Today I am going to the Relay for Life in Vallejo with my friend Karen. She is also a survivor and she couldn't make it to the Relay for Life we had in Fairfield. I think she is really going to enjoy the Survivor Lap and the opening ceremonies.

Have a great weekend. I'm going to have to take mine a little slow, but it will still be great.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thinking of you ...
Hang in there, you are doing great!