Sunday, January 25, 2009

One more setback.....

....but I'm on the mend again. Last Friday I went to the hospital with what I thought was a kidney stone. It had been hurting for a couple of days, but I foolishly put off going to the hospital because I had some school orientations to go to on Thursday and Friday. Well when I got to the emergency room I found out I had a pulmonary embolism. I was very fortunate that it was deep in the right lung base or it would have been much more serious and could have caused a lot more damage.

I stayed in the hospital for 2 days, and was released on Sunday. That was a very short stay for a PE, but the doctor was willing to release me then because they knew that the cause was my cancer treatments and also, I was able to administer my own injections of heparin to thin my blood. I had some incredible pain while I was hospitalized and also yesterday, but today I am feeling much better. I think I am going to recover from this rather quickly.

Tomorrow is my first day back to school for my last semester of the nursing program. I am looking forward to being finally finished and back in the workforce. I'm also hoping that I don't have any more health problems this semester because it is going to be a busy semester with little time for more setbacks.

Have a wonderful week!

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