Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Last Cycle started

I just started my fourth and hopefully last cycle of chemo yesterday. I go everyday this week until Friday. I have learned how to deal with the cycles finally and have plenty of DVDs, books, and crocheting to do this week. Sitting on my butt and not overdoing it is the key to recovering faster from the chemo.

I have just come off of a wonderful 2 weeks of spending time with family and friends. Christmas and New Year's were both awesome! Then I took a few trip to hostels on the coast, and a couple of fabulous trips to San Francisco. I really felt almost like my old self with just a little more pain than I used to have. I took lots of rest stops and everything was fine. It was so nice being able to spend so much quality time with my family and friends. That is what I have been missing the most since I started the cancer treatment.

Yesterday I woke up with a new symptom that I am hoping and praying is not a sign of my cancer returning. I saw my PCP yesterday and have an appointment with my oncologist today. I am also hoping to get an appointment with my gastroenterologist in the near future for a follow up colonoscopy. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I'm hoping that this isn't anything serious. I can't afford to get further behind on bills and school.

I'm hoping you all have a wonderful week! Take care.

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