Thursday, January 8, 2009

Almost Done

Well I've seen my PCP and oncologist. Next stop is the gasteroenterologist for a pre-procedure consult next Wednesday. Then I should be having another colonoscopy at the beginning of February to make sure that my symptoms are not a sign of the cancer returning. I don't see how it could be with all the chemo I've been going through, so I'm hoping for the best.

I've also emailed my surgeon and she will try to get me scheduled to have the colostomy reversed over my Spring Break from school at the end of March. Hoping to fully be back to normal shortly thereafter.

So far this cycle of chemo is going fairly smoothly. I'm a little tired and nauseous, but nothing too bad so far. I've been doing my best to take it easy and I'm almost halfway through the third season of House. I've gotten some reading done, and also lots of crocheting. Just today and tomorrow to go for chemo treatments.

Weekends coming soon, so have a great one.

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