Thursday, January 22, 2009

Moving on

I'm still recovering from my last cycle of chemo, but I'm getting a little more energy everyday. School starts again next week so I'm going to need that energy. I've had one orientation for the hospital I will be precepting for so far this week, and two more to go, today and tomorrow. Everything is starting to get back to normal finally.

It's really nice to be done with all the cancer treatments. My oncologist tells me it will be about six to nine months before my body is back to 100%. I'm hoping it won't take quite that long, but if it does, I suppose I will just have to deal with it. At least they got all of the cancer out of me and I'm considering myself to be cancer free.

I will be having my next surgery to reverse the colostomy in late March. The recovery from that surgery is supposed to be minimal and I should be ready to get back to work after Spring break.

Well with school coming up next week and the cancer gone, I probably won't be updating the blog so much anymore. I'll let you know if something good or bad happens, but otherwise I'll likely be overwhelmed with school. Take care all.

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