Sunday, November 30, 2008

Finally feeling good again and more...

Well once again that last round of chemo kind of kicked my butt. I was so tired and got to the point that I was starting to get depressed with all of this cancer treatment. My oncologist suggested that I talk to my primary doctor about anti-depressants so I did and that has really helped. I guess it is fairly normal for cancer patients to get depressed with everything we have to go through.

Well I'm feeling much better now but I've had a really busy week so I haven't had time to do some of the things I normally do. Last Monday I finally finished up my 5000 word paper that was due for my nursing class. What a relief to have that done. Now I just have to wait for the grade, and I'm hoping I did well on it.

Then along came Thanksgiving and I went on a cleaning spree. It was nice to finally have the energy to get some very needed cleaning done. My boyfriend and brother came over for Thanksgiving and we had a wonderful time. I hope everyone else had a good Thanksgiving too. I spent Friday recovering from my cleaning spree and Thanksgiving because I still get kind of tired with all that extra energy expenditure, but Saturday I was back to cleaning. I cleared out lots of space in my kitchen and bedroom and have lots of stuff to donate to the Salvation Army tomorrow.

Today I've been catching up on homework for my race and ethnicity class. I've made a huge dent in my homework and will definitely be caught up before class tomorrow. This semester has flown by and I'm glad that I've been able to keep up with it.

I didn't realize how devastating cancer could be before going through it myself but I am almost through with the chemo treatments. Two more cycles to go, one in December and the last in January. I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of it though. I just have to be sure to take it super easy during the week that I have chemo and then wait about 5 days afterwards before I get any sort of energy back.

I'm beginning to look forward to the Christmas season now. My mother, sister, niece, and I have plans to spend a few days together celebrating being together with family. That's what Christmas is all about anyway if you ask me.

Have a great week!

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