Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Halfway through Chemo Round 2

I started feeling much better last week. I guess my body really needed some extra time to get over the surgery and chemo. Lots more time than I expected.

I started my chemo week last Monday. So far so good. I feel a little more tired than I had, but not too bad so far. The only real problem I have is with the Decadron they give me before the start the chemo infusion. It's a steriod and one of the side effects it has on me is that it makes it difficult for me to stay asleep, even with the sleep medication my doctor prescribed. Oh well, it's only for one week.

Last Saturday I got to see my niece. She came up from college for the weekend and we had a very nice visit. I got to eat at my favorite Mexican restaurant, and we sat around and talked, looked at photos, and discussed photography. She has decided to minor in photography.

Sunday, Chris and I went to the Fungus Fair at the Ferry Building in San Francisco. We also took a short walk down the Embarcadero so I could take some photos of the Bay Bridge and stuff. It was really nice being able to get out and do a few things. We also ate at the Delancey Street Bistro at Brannon and Embarcadero. We got there between lunch and dinner, so they only had a limited menu available, but the food was excellent and the prices for San Francisco were great. I would definitely go back there again and again. Oh and free parking on Sundays. That's definitely a plus in San Francisco!

After my chemo treatment today, I am going to the beach to watch the sunset with one of my cancer buddies. We both need to start getting out more and doing some fun things. This cancer stuff has been going on too long for us now, and it is really starting to affect our moods. It keeps getting harder and harder to stay positive with all of the side effects and time we have put into fighting this awful disease.

Looking forward to the weekend, but have a great rest of the week.

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