Saturday, November 8, 2008

Feeling Good!

Hello again everyone. This has been a very good week overall. I had class all day on Monday, and in addition, I spent a lot of time walking all over campus. I finally gave in and decided to drop my History of Religion class. After all the time I spent in the hospital, I was really feeling too far behind to ever catch up. It was an online class and Kaiser doesn't have internet access at the hospital. That's really about the only bad thing I can say about Kaiser though, so I'm not complaining.

Tuesday I was pretty tired from all the walking the day before, but I gave myself the day off and let my body recover from all the exercise. I watched the election results roll in all day as I dozed in and out of sleep. Overall I was very happy with the election, but I'm wondering what people were thinking on some of the issues and that's all I'm going to say about politics.

Wednesday and Thursday were fairly productive. I got a lot of studying and reading done, and it was nice. Friday, however, was fantastic! I really almost felt like my old self again. I was able to go and volunteer and it didn't wear me out. Then afterwards, the volunteer department had a fabulous holiday luncheon for all of the volunteers. The food was great, as was the company.

I did have an appointment with my oncologist yesterday too. We discussed several things, but I was really happy to find out the the 6 mm spot on my lungs has not changed in the past 4 months, which pretty much rules out any chance of it being cancerous. We also discussed this next round of chemo that I will be starting on Monday. This time we are going to be proactive about monitoring my WBC counts to make sure I don't end up in the hospital again. I also had to let the doctor know that if the chemo puts me in the hospital again, I don't think I have it in me to finish the last two rounds. All of this is preventative anyway, and not curative, so sometimes with cancer treatment, the negative outweighs the positive and it's just not worth it anymore. Besides, I'm already cancer free.

I'm really looking forward to seeing my niece today! She went away to college in September, but she's coming to the area for a quick weekend visit. We're going to have lunch and play with her new camera. Should be lots of fun. Well actually, it will definitely be lots of fun.

Have a fantastic weekend!

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