Friday, December 5, 2008

Best week in months

Well I've just had the best week since I found out I have cancer. I've been feeling almost like my normal self again. I've had energy, and I've been joking and smiling almost every day since Thanksgiving. It really makes me feel like I am going to truly survive the cancer treatment and return to my normal life.

Next Monday, the 8th, I start the third cycle of chemo. I've done so much this past week so that I can really take it easy once the treatment starts up. I plan to sit on the couch, watch videos and DVDs, and eat homemade applesauce and potato soup. I'm going to really take it easy this time through so that hopefully the recovery period will be shorter.

Classes are almost done for this semester. I can't believe how fast the semesters fly by! I'll be done with cancer, chemo, the ostomy, and school before I know it.

I'm really looking forward to this Christmas. It is going to be a simple one this year without all the extravagent gifts. Tomorrow my tree goes up and I can't wait to get out the ornaments and decorate.

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

YAMW said...

Debi. Good luck tomorrow. Your game plan sounds like a good one. I am sure you will be happy to have the treatments behind you.