Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday and 2 days to go!!

Wow! The time really has flown, well at least most of it. As of this Thursday I will be off of the radiation and chemo for about 1 month. I'm thinking I'm going to need about 1 week to recover from everything the doctors have been putting my body through. This last week has been full of minor pains, fatigue, irritability, and lots and lots of sleep. I've just tried to keep my eye on the fact that we are almost through and I can handle just about anything if I know it is only for a limited amount of time.

I'm hoping to get back to the gym as soon as treatment ends so I can get myself in the best shape possible for surgery. I'll also be able to start dieting at that point too. During this first phase of treatment I've been going through, the doctors have recommended not to attempt weight loss and I haven't. I have changed my diet quite a bit to include a lot more fruit and vegetables and less junk and animal fat. The diet change hasn't contributed to any weight loss though. Darn!

Well I think I'm going to take another nap. Hope everyone's having a great week.

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