Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thursday and it's over.......

I've made it through the first stage of treatment! My 28 days of chemo and radiation are over it it feels so good to be free of the chemo pump. I'm expecting it will be about a week of recovery before I really feel good again. This last week or so has been the worst as far as fatigue and just not feeling well goes, but I made it through with no significant side effects.

Well it is past my bedtime again but I did at least want to post a brief update. Take care all and I will write more later.

1 comment:

Judy T said...

I'm glad you're through with that part of the treatment. I'm sure you're happy to move around without that bag, and not have to go to radiation early mornings. I admire how well you handled it. Hope the rest goes as smoothly. With your great attitude, I'm sure it will. Kitties, here we come!