Thursday, September 4, 2008

Last Day before Surgery

Well surgery will be tomorrow in the morning so I've been finishing up all sorts of odds and ends today. I've calmed down a bit since Tuesday but now I'm beginning to get a little nervous again. So much to do and so little time.

Tuesday was a really bad day for me between all the doctor appointments and then hearing the news that Matt Garcia was shot. Matt Garcia was one of Fairfield's city council members, and the youngest ever at 21. He spoke at the Relay for Life event that we had here in Fairfield. Not only that, but he is the son of a very good friend of mine.

My niece is here with me today. We've already been out to Rush Ranch for a carriage ride, to the mall for school supplies, and then to the gym for our workouts.

Surgery should begin about 10:30 tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...

Hey Debi... It's Kristy... I just heard about your surgery from Doug and wish you all the best. Matt G's death was a shock to us all in Fairfield. I went to high school with him, share many mutual friends, including his cousin an ex-boyfriend of mine. He will be missed greatly in our community and it is unfortunate loss to a city that needed his dedication and youth. Let your heart not be heavy going into to surgery tomorrow. You are in my heart with many others in the nursing program. Good luck and we will see you shortly!!

YAMW said...

I want to wish you all the best for your surgery tomorrow. thanks for this blog to keep up up-to-date with you and your journey through this. Lots of postitive energy your way. (mags_Tag) Margherita