Friday, September 5, 2008

It's Surgery Day!

I'm all ready to go to the hospital and get this tumor removed. Everything is packed up and now I'm just waiting for it to be time to leave. Surgery is scheduled for 10:30 AM PDT but I have to be there at 8:30. They say it's a 2 hour surgery and I should be up and walking around soon. Only problem is I can't eat solid food for 3 days. Darn! I haven't had solid food already since Wednesday.

Wish me luck, say a prayer, or keep me in your thoughts today.....whichever works for you.

1 comment:

whirlygig said...

I hope your surgery went well and that it was totally successful. I hope you are able to post a blog soon that lets us know how you're doing.

Take good care of yourself and get out there taking more excellent photos. I miss your frequent, beautiful additions to Flickr.