Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday Morning

So I had my appointment with the oncologist on Friday and I wasn't happy with the news. I won't be able to go to Costa Rica this summer.

I will be getting a Port-a-cath probably sometime this week so that I can carry around my continuous infusion of chemotherapy with me in a little fanny pack. No hospitalization for the chemo. I have another appointment with the radiation doctor this Wednesday at 10:30 AM. Apparently I will be getting a couple of little tattoos so they know where to aim the radiation. I will have 4-5 weeks of radiation and chemo and then I will have 3 weeks off until surgery, probably mid-August. Then mid-September I will begin monthly chemo for a week a month for 4 months. That will take me through December and hopefully I will be done.

It looks like I won't be able to take any of the nursing classes this fall. I am hoping that I will be able to get my upper division course and Antropology course out of the way though. One of them is an online class. I am also going to check with the division to see if I could take N169 this fall and then consolidate in the spring so I could at least still graduate with some of my friends and classmates.

Sunday I had to go for another CT with IV contrast. This one was a thin slice CT of my lungs because they saw a 6 mm nodule on my lungs on the CT I had done last week. They want to be sure it isn't cancer too. If it is not, I will likely be participating in a clinical trial on some chemo drugs. I somehow feel compelled to do this, but if the spot on my lungs is additional cancer, I won't be able to do the trial.

I spent the weekend being depressed that I couldn't go to Costa Rica, but I did at least get up to go to the gym both days. Monday and Tuesday much better for me and I got to work on cancelling all of the reservations.

Today I am going to see the radiation doctor for my consult. That's the latest news from here. Hope all is going well.